Gold and White designs
Jolies White Silver and Gold henna lasts for 1 week dries instantly its completely waterproof kid friendly FDA Approved gentle to the skin and looks beautiful!

Gold Shimmering Henna
For the Queen in you!

Traditional White Henna
The beauty of white Henna

A Stunning Back Piece


![white henna art floral_thumb[6].jpg](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c28eb200dbda35550ba1972/1565304618581-I3MWT3C68J9KO5T9LLVP/white+henna+art+floral_thumb%5B6%5D.jpg)


White and Gold henna tattoos last 1 week dry immediately are completely waterproof stain free can be taken off easily and look beautiful Perfect for those events where a quick drying fast henna is required ~
E-Mail henna@joliehenna.com
Contact :347.351,6463
Brooklyn NY,11221
Please contact us for pricing